Filmwhys #11 The Godfather and Masters of the Universe

I think it will be hard top this one for quite a while because today for the Why Haven’t You Seen This Film Podcast my guest is Joel from the Lamb who asks me the biggest question, why haven’t I seen the Godfather, which is such a well known and well made movie that it really needs no further introduction. And in return I ask him why he hasn’t seen Masters of the Universe. In my defense, I’ve known that Joel has the occasional love of cheesy action movies and while not everyone can enjoy Masters of the Universe, I thought he very well might.

11 Masters of the Godfather

Click here to listen, or you can also find me on iTunes and Stitcher. As always, I appreciate it if you give a review, like, thumbs up, subscribe and all that stuff and leave me a comment, let me know what you like, even what you didn’t. And join in the episode, share your own Film Whys. I have never seen the Bill Murray comedy Stripes or another famous comedy of his that I’ll be watching for next week’s record, so what’s your Bill Murray Filmwhys? A film you haven’t seen, but really want to or feel like you should. I’ll share the answers on that episode. I’ll be back again next week with my first repeat guest Twoflower where we’ll be checking out a couple shorter films for a change. If you want to check out older episodes of Filmwhys be sure to visit the archives. Until next time, this has been Bubbawheat for Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights.

About Bubbawheat

I'm a comic book movie enthusiast who has watched and reviewed over 500 superhero and comic book movies in the past seven years, my goal is to continue to find and watch and review every superhero movie ever made.

Posted on August 18, 2013, in Podcasts and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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